Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Documentary or feature? The formula is the same.

I was a keen observer of adventurefest this evening at the Vue in Leicester Square. A collection of adventure documentaries I was then in clue finding mode! Using my phone light to make sure I was making legible notes in the cinema on both Sharkman and Big Swell I must have looked a little weird... But I am getting used to that. 

It was only when sat at my desk this evening and started typing up my notes that I realised that documentaries are the same protagonist antagonist battle as your favourite action flicks, The Departed or whatever takes your fancy. The better of the two, or more flowing and engaging to quantify this was Sharkman, and it also manifested the quality of each act being a microcosm of the whole, inevitably the challenge facing the protagonist. This I truly learnt when studying Mackendrick briefly at the London Film School.

As I continue to compile my notes, more to come from next week's films I am more and more confident that I will be able to direct this documentary to a high standard, and indeed it is something that I am relishing! 

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